Monday, 13 April 2009

You know yer gerring owder when

There comes a time in life when you notice things are starting to wear out .Yesterday (Easter Monday ) for example was a day when with the sun beaming down me and the missus had a walk into Accrington and on the way back I spotted something that got me thinking .

You see the wife is a bit afeared of small rodent like stuff so in the distance I saw something that made me come over all protective like .

As we approached I said to the wife --we better cross over love I think there is a rat over there ----It cant be she said look it jumped it must be a squirrel ----We got closer and closer ---this is a tame bugger I thought until we got to where it was then the realization the gogs ( eyes ) aren't what they should be kicked it ---It wer a bit of discarded black bin bag being blown about in the breeze.

1 comment:

Steamer said...

A sneaky thing age it creeps up quietly then Bang it hits you when you least expect it.