Thursday, 26 November 2009

Lancashire Day ---Passion & Pride ?

The 27th November and its LANCASHIRE DAY the day when we celebrate all thing Lancky due t"th fact it wer on this day in1295 whenth first elected representatives from Lancashire were summoned by King Edward I and wer  installed int big house with that clock on it  in London .

Now I feel as we should mek more of a fuss ahout this day in owr history as if it wernt fer us lot in Lancashire we wouldnt be the people we are now .
Dont forget th"indusrtial revolution wer ouwrs so if it wernt fer us the great stride we have med wouldnt have been med.
Food is anutherun .HOT POT that great bastion of a dish as kept all them mill workers fed and nourished has become one of the gret classics .Football was also invented by us lot an all  DARWEN Nr Blackburn being a founder member ofth Fooball league as wer BURNLEY ,ROVERS ,PRESTON and Bowton (Bolton ).
We have much to be part proud of in Lancashire .owr heritage ,owr Landscape (Not all Mills and grime but the most spectacular sea and land views ) us food and most of all owr LINGO thanks to TIM BOBBIN
so Grab a Pint of a famous LANCASHIRE BREWED PINT of ale have yersell a chippy tea and like me be PROUD to he LANCASTRIAN
Fer those who do not know this is the LANCASHIRE DAY  proclimation belted out in most PALATINE LANCASHIRE towns at 12 noon bi"th town cryers

To the people of the city and County Palatine of Lancaster, Greetings!

Know ye that this day, November 27th in the year of our Lord 2009, the 58th year of the reign of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Duke of Lancaster, is Lancashire Day.

Know ye also and rejoice, that by virtue of Her Majesty's County Palatine of Lancaster, the citizens of the Hundreds of Lonsdale, North and South of the Sands, Amounderness, Leyland, Blackburn, Salford and West Derby are forever entitled to style themselves Lancastrians.

Throughout the County Palatine, from the Furness Fells to the River Mersey, from the Irish sea to the Pennines, this day shall ever mark the people's pleasure in that excellent distinction - true Lancastrians, proud of the Red Rose and loyal to our Sovereign Duke.

God bless Lancashire and God Save the Queen,
Duke of Lancaster.

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