With the onset of the Credit crunch I wonder if your town is suffering as much as the main town in the area which I live .Today I had some business to attend to in Accrington which once completed I thought I would have a look around the shops .Now I have lived in this area now for some time but what I see today shocks me ,the sight of WOOLIES stripped bare along with other shops that are now closed down(AT THE LAST COUNT AROUND 13 ) seems to signal a town on its last legs .Indeed a trip down the main road towards Blackburn does not bode well for this towns fortunes
.MILLIONS of pounds has been spent on compulsary purchase orders to KNOCK DOWN what must be 500 HOMES to make way for NEW HOUSES THEY SAID .If we are so short of house where has every one gone and mores the point WHEN will these NEW houses be built or have the money men had there way and done a runner .ACCRINGTON was once a proud town but all the pride seems to have gone WHEN WILL SOMEONE IN THE IVORY TOWERS OF THE TOWN HALL WAKE UP AND DO SOMMERT instead of constantly PROMISING THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN AND THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN---ACCRINGTON IS DIEING --FAST .Oh we have been promised loads on PAPER all very well for someones EGO TRIP wish are amongst others ,A new bus station ,new Tescos, new town square, new curry mile, new eco train station etc etc etc ----- new this new that, but towns are not regenerated on paper but with bricks and mortar --or has all the money been spent on SURVEYS,CONSULTANTS and such like
I know many people KNOCK the towns in which they live but I say to those who do (and I know of one such town in the FURNESS area ---Come and live in ACCY IT WOULD MAKE YOU CRY.
You can view a few pics I took on my PICASA site by clicking on this link
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