Friday, 23 January 2009

Memories of the old days

If ever I have to go into Accrington I try ,if I don't have access to the car to walk the couple of miles there and then back .It was while halfway there I noticed roadworks in one of the main streets .A new road surface is being laid but before this is laid they have gone skimmed the surface back to reveal the owd COBBLES .When you see something like this it does make you stop for a minute and think of all the streets in this part of LANCASHIRE that were ones done in this and the labour it must have taken to do it .

I know that when the DARWEN ST area of Blackburn was cobbled a couple of years ago BRITISH labour could not be found to do it workers were brought in from all places ---PORTUGAL sad when you think about it .
I wonder if instead of tarmacing over our streets would it not be better to leave these cobbles alone as I am sure speed would be kept down with the vibrations you would have to endure going over the uneven bricks-
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Anonymous said...

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Steamer said...

Back in my old home town of Atherton they once did a major repair job along Market Street, the then main road through the town. when the top layer was lifted the original cobbles where visible, not the traditional type but thoese with a slight greenish look that always looked very slippy when wet.
There were still tramlines down there as well, this would have been around 1950 plus or minus a couple of years.